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Breathing Exercises for Beginners

Guided Active Breathing Video


I have created a short breathing video with a couple of audio and visual cues to help you work into your own breathing practice.

When I teach people active or passive breathing positions I try to make the cues as simple as possible. As you begin your breathing journey you may feel like its impossible to feel your ribs move. You might find it difficult to sense the air moving into your back or down into your pelvis. These are common places and phrases that coaches and teachers will say in classes or sessions.

FYI, it is totally normal to struggle with sensing your body. Starting is the hardest part.

Give the video a try a few times and see if you can start sensing some of the areas I mention.

Breathing doesn’t need to be complicated for most people. Keep it simple when you start. Think about doing some daily breathing homework to get in the reps and give your body a chance to calm down and sense some of these areas.

5 - 10 min 1 x day 3-7 days a week is a great place to start.

Bear and Side lying 5 min guided set up.

Both positions in the video are chosen to be the easily accessible for most people. Bear breathing and side lying breathing positions are a good place for people who are learning to sense the movement of their body when breathing. These positions are some of the most successful for my clients when practicing at home or in the gym.

The goal here is to get your central nervous system to calm down a bit and let your body relax, which will help you to sense the gentle and subtle movements of breathing withing your body.

Give yourself several opportunities in each position over a few weeks to start sensing your body breathe .

Don’t get yourself too wrapped up in diaphragmatic breathing versus belly breaths versus breath holds and hyperventilation. Work on breathing in a way that doesn’t leave you with a crick in your neck and a headache.

Start slow and gentle, explore and be curious.

It’s worth it !